Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A New Raw Experience 生机新体验

It's been some time since I started on a diet of a mixture of raw and cooked vegetables. Along the way, I've read many accounts of how people who switched to a mostly or completely raw diet managed to stick to it. Simply because RAW is too wonderful. You feel more alert, lighter, fresher, etc etc, and probably, the bottom line is: raw simply tastes better.

I'm glad I've never disliked raw vegetables, so there never was any struggle with accepting raw. But to me most vegetables were good, whether raw or cooked (except overly cooked vege). I hadn't come to the stage where my body could tell me that raw cabbage was decidedly superior than cooked cabbage. Even though it wasn't difficult to accept the logic that cooked food is dead food, that remained as knowledge in my brains, my body couldn't sense it.

But recently, while I was having lunch and munching my food, all of a sudden, I felt a sudden jerk. Hey, what's this thing that tastes so wonderful? And I realized it was the purple cabbage. I've always liked salads, but I couldn't feel the 'vibrancy' of raw vegetables. But that day, it was quite a direct experience, my body was telling me that the shreds of crunchy purple leaves were what it really needed. I always wondered what 'high energy food' meant, I've never been someone sensitive to 'energy levels', but that moment, I thought, this raw cabagge IS high energy food, this is real nourishment for the flesh.

It was quite a revelation. All of a sudden, the rest of the cooked vegetables paled considerably. Cooking kills the enzymes and rids the vegetables of vitality and nutrients, blah blah blah... These no longer seem to be merely theory...


I was at a meditation retreat when this episode happened. Even though I fared terribly terribly terribly badly during the meditation sessions, I can't help wondering if this sudden realization had anything to do with all the meditation practice. After all, our total well being is multi-dimensional.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

你今天便便几次了?How many times have you moved your bowels?

This is a common dialogue between me and my husband.
"Wow, I've moved my bowels 5 times today!"
"Oh really? I've only cleared twice..."

Perhaps you're thinking, what disgusting conversations we have. Or you might think that there's something wrong with us moving our bowels so many times?

So how many times do you move your bowels each day? Or perhaps, how many times do you move your bowels a week?

If it's once a day, I'm sorry, you're constipated. If you do it once in every 2 or 3 days, then you are pretty much severely constipated. I'm not lying, I don't enjoy frightening people.

It was about maybe 3 years ago when I first noticed I had bowel movements at least twice a day (sometimes 3 or 4 times; my highest record was 7 times). I didn't know that once a day was constipation then, but I thought this phenomenon was something very interesting, so I shared this new experience with a friend who was learning traditional Chinese medicine. She told me that twice a day was acceptable, but 3 or 4 times wasn't quite right. Whenever I mention my highest record of 7 times, people tend to think I'm absurd, and say, that's diarrhea! Oh, but it's not diarrhea... (Actually, I was having a juice fast on this day of my highest record, interesting huh?)

How do I manage to clear my bowels so many times? Usually within half an hour after getting up, I'll go once. Then after breakfast, I'll go a second time, and then another once or twice in the afternoon or at night. Ocassionally it doesn't go so smoothly though, typically when there's some activity that's out of my routine, or when I'm outside for a long time, then I would almost definitely end up constipated. I'm psychologically not right somewhere, if I'm somewhere I'm not familiar, or somewhere I can't totally relax, I just can't get my bowels going, or sometimes, I refuse to. That's I guess one of the reasons why I don't like to be outside the whole day, it's a torture feeling the need to clear your bowels yet not able to do so.

我并不觉得自己现在这样就算肠胃健康了。但是,跟过去比较,是非常大的进步。以前,我总是要么便秘,要么腹泻,肠胃从小就不好。不久前,妈妈告诉我一个我婴儿时期的趣事。她说,我是宝宝的时候跟其他兄弟姐妹不同,一天到晚睡觉,不吵闹,连便便也是两三天一次,那时候奶奶等人都感叹说,真是天生爱干净!这样的宝宝很好带吧?又省尿布。但是,现在才知道那是极端不正常,天生肠胃有问题,两三天排一次,里面是多么脏啊!(宝宝虽然只喝奶,还是应该一天排几次的。)我还记得,小时候很怕跟妈妈去Cold Storage超市,不知道为什么,一到那里,因为冷吧,我几乎一定肚子疼。
Although I generally move my bowels 3 times a day, I don't think that qualifies me to say that my digestive system is very healthy. However, compared to how I was like, I've improved lots. In the past, I either was constipated or had loose bowels, my digestive system had never been well. My mum told me something interesting about my baby days recently. She said I was quite different from my siblings, when I was a baby, I never gave much of a din, I would sleep day and night, even when it came to moving my bowels, I would do it only once in 2 or 3 days. My grandmother commented, what a clean baby! I was an easy baby to take care of wasn't I? I must have saved my parents quite a lot on diapers. But now, we know that I was clean outside, but horribly filthy inside, my digestive system wasn't working well right from the beginning. (Even though babies only drink milk, still their bowels should be cleared a few times a day.) I also remember that when I was young, I didn't like to go to Cold Storage with my mum for shopping, it might be because of the cold, my stomach would almost always give me problems whenever I was there.

Then how come now I can do it at least 2 times, on average 3 times a day, or even 4 or 5 times on certain days? When I first found out that once a day was too little, I was quite pleasantly surprised, it was like I discovered some really wonderful news. I looked back and realized that the time when I started having frequent bowel movements was the time when I started having regular meals of brown rice and salads.

We eat to receive nutrients. Of course, most people today don't, we eat to enjoy ourselves, that's me too! But we're lucky that our body is smarter and wiser than us, it's so much more remarkable than us. Our body is an enourmous and complex factory. Despite how we, the owners, being so ignorant of how it works, bombard it with all kinds of pressure, dumping into it all kinds of waste that it can't take, our body toils for us day and night with no complaint. Nevertheless, however well made a factory is, it's just a matter of time that it succumbs to torture.

我常常懊悔,为什么自己对人体的构造这么不熟悉?不,应该说是一无所知。肝在那里,肺在哪里,什么是大肠,什么是小肠,很丢人,我都不知道。是因为我以前学习不好?又或者,我们的教育也并不太重视这方面?正如Norman Walker所说,我们每个人都应该好好认识我们的身体。我记得,升中三的时候,我就希望能修读生物。其实凡科学的科目我都想回避,但是既然要学,就学生物吧,我觉得,生物好应该比化学或者物理有意思多了。我这么告诉姐姐,一下子被她泼了冷水:想得可真美!原来,生物是要学习非常好才可以选修的,我连物理和化学都搞不定了,还学生物?我偏偏对学校要我先学会的物理和化学都没兴趣,或者说,讨厌到了极点,害怕到了极点,但是,身体是个什么样的东西,生命是怎么来的,我倒是感到相当有意思。不过,我总是觉得,这也是塞翁失马,焉知非福,因为,我怎么可能对动物做解剖?甚至,我庆幸我不需要做这样的事。我生生世世都不干这种事。
I often think in regret, why do I know so little about our body? Or rather, I should say, I know nothing about it. Where is our liver? And the lungs? And what's the colon? What are small intestines? It's a great shame, but I knew nothing of these. Perhpas I did too badly in school, that's why. Or perhaps, our system doesn't put much importance on this? Just like what Norman Walker said, everybody should learn about the anatomy of the human body. When I was moving on to Secondary 3, I thought maybe I should take up biology. Actually, if possible I'd want to avoid any science subjects, but since I had to learn them anyway, biology seemed a good choice. It seemed much more interesting than physics of chemistry. When I reported to my elder sister of my decision, she dampened my enthusiasm by telling me that biology was for those who did well on physics and chemistry. Oh, I see... I couldn't even handle those two, much less biology. Unfortunately, I didn't care for what the system wanted me to study as basics, in fact, I hated physics and chemistry, I was scared of these subjects, especially chemistry. But how the body works, what our body is like, what nature is like, what life is all about, I found these quite worthy of pursuing. But on hind sight, I think it was a blessing in disguise. How would I have been able to cut up animals? And I think I was lucky that I didn't have to do so, this is something I won't want to do in all my future lives.

I won't try to pose as an expert here, I'll just share a bit of what I've learnt.

As soon as food enters our mouth, our body starts working. If you're someone who gobbles up your food, then please take note. Chewing well makes for good digestion. As we chew, saliva and enzymes are secreted, which helps lessen the work load of our stomach. How many times should we chew? There are different theories, some say 30 to 40 times, some 50 to 60 times, some even a hundred! (If you've watched Jewel In The Palace, it's mentioned that we should chew 10 times, that's way too few!) Once, when lunching with some friends, we did a little experiment. My friend chewed 20 times and swallowed her food, while I chewed 60 times. I wouldn't have been able to swallow down what was in my mouth with just 20 chews. Of course, how long to chew would also depend on the type of food consumed. I think I'm lucky to have been born a slow eater. Had I been fast, how much more burden would my already weak digestive system have to bear?

As the food enters our body, our stomach and intestines start working. It's not just them who slave away, our other organs don't laze around either. For example, our liver has lots of tasks to manage, one of its functions is to help us remove poisons. If you're like how I was, thinking that poisons are stuff like insecticides or things that make you cough out white foam and drop dead immediately upon ingestion, then you're wrong. Poison is nicely wrapped up in the seemingly delicious "food" that we buy from outside. Anything that the body can't properly digest or make use of, is poison. The alcohol that we drink, the medicines that we take, these are all toxins. The different forms of meat that we find everywhere, these are all poisons. (This is a very big topic that I shan't dwelve on here.)

... Ok, the above has proven to be quite tough for me... haha. Since I'm not an expert, let me skip the workings of our wonderful factory. I'll be introducing some more books, so those interested can learn directly from the real experts.

Back to the matter of bowel movement. It is generally thought that once a day is ideal. We also hear that once in every 2 or 3 days is acceptable too. But is this true?

What are feces? Why do they smell so terrible? Because they are what our body doesn't need, they are a burden to our system, they are something that our body wants badly to remove as soon as possible. That is, they are what our body, after doing all the breaking down, classifies as unwanted, as waste matter to be discarded.

那一天为什么要排便数次呢?并不是我们吃完一顿饭,马上就把刚吃进去的排出来。早上排出来的,是昨天吃进去的,下午晚上排出来的,则是早上吃进去的。正如Ray Kent常常说,这就像我们的地铁。出发了,当然要到站,要是出发了不到站,那是不是很诡异?你要是一天吃一餐,那一天排一次就正常得很。
Then why do we need to move our bowels a few times a day? It's not that what we eat comes out immediately after every meal. What comes out in the morning is what we ate yesterday, similarly what comes out in the afternoon or at night is what we had in the morning. Just like how Ray Kent puts it, it's like our train system. If a train departs, of course it has to reach somewhere. If it doesn't, wouldn't it be extremely bizarre? Unless of course, you eat only one meal a day. That would make one bowel movement a day perfectly ok.

As food leaves our stomach, it enters the small intestines and colon. Our stomach, being empty now, calls us to feed it with the next batch of food. And so we succumb to the call and start eating the next meal. By this time, what has happened to the food that we had previously? It's already in the instestines, pretty much having become fecal matter and getting ready to leave our body. However, if our fibre intake is insufficient, it's akin to having an important post vacant inside, that is, the post of the sweeper in our body. Without him, waste accumulates inside, don't you think this is really gross? The longer waste matter stays inside, the more moisture it loses, and so the harder it becomes, and the more difficult it is to pass out. It then sticks on the walls of our colon, and when it accumulates, that becomes what we call old fecal matter. Some people might say, what's the big deal about old fecal matter?Well, since it's unwanted toxins, why leave it inside? Our body is a living organism, the different organs all affect one another in an intricate way. If the intestines are clogged up and unwell, of course it will affect the workings of our other organs. As toxins accumulate, we'll find that we're plagued with all kinds of chronic illnesses. In fact, the vast majority of people today have accumulated quite a whole lot of old waste inside them. Even people like me who move their vowels 3 times a day!

We often hear people say that they have digestive problems, or something near that. It seems to be a pretty common problem, so common that I wonder if people consider it trivial. But in fact if we think deeper, we'll realize that a weak digestive system can't possibly result in good health. Some people might seem ok in other aspects, but seriously, couldn't it be just that other problems just haven't risen to the surface? To take care of our health, first we have to take care of our digestive system. Many factors have to be taken into consideration, but first and foremost, our eating habits are crucial. They are also one factor that is within our control.

You are what you eat. This is a very common saying, but how many people truly understand this and keep it in mind?

Many 'foods' are in fact not stuff that our body can take in, and are harmful to our health. What are the things that we shouldn't eat? This would produce another lengthy post, so I shan't drive in on that. But to summarize using Dr Jiang Shuhui's words, the 3 leading poisons of today's society are meat, egg and milk. If you can't discontinue consumption of these, maybe you can try cutting down on them?

As for what we should consume, I guess this is simpler. Apart from juice, which I recommended in a previous blog, get a high intake of fibre from fresh vegetables and fruits. As far as possible, try to take them raw. Raw vege and fruits contain such an abundance of nutrients that our body needs, it's such a waste to cook them and hence destroy the nutrients! Another point, no fibre is available in meat. Meat only gives your system unnecessary burden with its loads of toxins.

So, have you moved your bowels today? How many times?

方麒招牌沙拉 FQ's specialty

Let me present FQ's specialty... oh, that's a bit too thick skinned...LOL!
It's just our staple salad, nothing great, but it's my favourite! Reasons I like it:
1) It's salty, not sweet. Although I love desserts, generally I prefer salty foods to sweet ones. Take buns for example, I prefer salty ones like vegetable buns. Another example, tau sar piah, I usually go for the salty version, not the sweet one.
2) It can be topped on millet rice or soba noodles. When I have not much time for meal preparation, this would easily make a simple one.
3) The dressing is easy to make.

麻油 5汤匙
有机酱青 12汤匙
日本甜酒味醂 5汤匙
龙舌兰甜浆 5汤匙
柠檬汁 2汤匙
Dressing ingredients:
Sesame oil 5 tbsp
Organic Soy Sauce 12 tbsp
Mirin 5 tbsp
Agave Nectar 5 tbsp
Lemon Juice 2 tbsp

生菜(生菜有太多种了,我都弄不清楚,不过我觉得Romaine Lettuce/ Cos Lettuce较好吃)
I think the dressing goes well with the following:
Lettuce (I prefer Romaine Lettuce/ Cos Lettuce)
Cherry Tomatoes
Left over carrot pulp from my morning juice

I almost always use cabbage, doumiao, cherry tomatoes and alfafa, because these are the most easily available ones, they are the 'regulars' in my fridge. I like to cut my vege into small pieces. Cabbage will have to be chopped finely, carrots will have to be shredded (but now I use my carrot pulp, so I don't shred carrots anymore). Even for cherry tomatoes, I usually cut them into four. As for doumiao, in restaurants, usually they are not cut, this makes for better presentation, and it would appear that it's a generous portion! But at home, I chop it up. It might be just be a personal preference, I tend to prefer food made into smaller pieces, but really, I think size does matter in food preparation, especially salads, which calls for thorough chewing, finely chopped vege makes a salad so much more yummy.

After pouring the dressing, add:
Pine nuts (I love pine nuts and I think they are indispensable in this salad, but they turn rancid very fast, so remember to store them in the fridge)
Pumpkin seeds
Sunflower seeds
Nutritional yeast or '3 treasure powder' (which consists of wheat germ, lecithin and brewer's yeast flakes, available in most organic shops)

Actually I learnt this dressing from a food stall in Meidiya. One of the cooks happened to be vegetarian too, so I felt at ease buying from him. (Sometimes non-vegetarian cooks might give me stuff that I don't eat, like onion/ garlic.) I was still very new at making salads then, and was looking for salty salad dressings. I wondered why the dressings that I came across were either sweet ones or nut based. So when I tried their salad, I thought, wow, this is what my taste buds have been yearning for! Although the dressing I've come up with isn't quite the same as theirs, but it's comparable =)

这沙拉跟荞麦面一起吃(摇身一变成为日本料理Soba Salad!),或者跟小米饭一起吃,都很不错。(做小米饭的话,小米听说可以不预先泡水,但是只要有时间,我一定先泡一泡。水分跟小米相等,比例是一比一。)
This salad goes well with soba (just top it on soba and it becomes soba salad!), or with millet rice. I've heard that millet rice need not be pre-soaked, but I usually do so unless I don't have the time. The ratio of water to millet is 1:1.

This is my half eaten millet salad:

The dressing recipe above is a little voluminous. I use this dressing pretty frequently, so I usually make more of it. I'll use about 2 or 3 tbsp for a typical serving for myself (1 big bowl, if you're not a salad fan like me, then perhaps 1 tbsp would be more than enough), with millet rice or soba salad, I'll use about 5 or 6 tbsp. Not too much, unless you want to end up with salty soup noodles...

If you don't think it troublesome, you might want to add some finely shredded ginger, it would taste nicer, and also would be less 'cooling', that is, if you think salads are 'cooling'...

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Why this blog? 部落格缘起

LY kind of mocked me for having become an avid blogger.


Indeed, now when I'm at home and not busy in the kitchen or with other housework, I'm pretty much stuck with BLOGSPOT. I'm not a natural writer, I don't even have much ability to keep my thoughts clear and lucid. I wish words would flow freely out of my fingers, and end up neat and tidy in persuasive paragraphs on the monitor. Now I'm kind of back to my schooling days, spending so much time trying to perfect essay assignments. And I even try to impress my lecturer with an attached translation!


My inherent inability to write isn't the sole reason why I take a long time to make one posting. Truth is, this is quite a challenge for me and at times, I do feel a little awkward as I type. Vegetarianism, environmentalism, nutrition, food preparation, what do I know of these? Nothing!!! I'm far from an expert, yet by blogging, in a way I seem to be projecting myself as one. I got to be extra careful not to post wrong information, so most of the time, I'm doing research as I type. I'm expert at forgetting though, out of what I've read or learnt, I can safely say I remember only less than 1%. It's like doing revision, and of course learning new things along the way.


I truly wonder how many people would be interested to read the essays that I've spent time polishing. I myself can't be bothered to read about things I'm not interested in. But some friends gave me positive feedback yesterday and today, and that was great encouragement, THANK YOU!


After a ‘hard day at work’, I tend to have doubts whether or not I'm again spending time unwisely. Just a few days ago, while we were bantering, I told LY that he was a fast learner, because he had a wife who was so too, and he grabbed the chance to mock me: a fast learner, but a slow worker. Yeah… that struck me deep. I have been seriously thinking if I should quickly get over this phase of spending all my time in the kitchen trying out new recipes. A housewife has better things to do other than serving food. That said, I do think I was born to spend time in the kitchen. When I was in primary school, I loved to step into the kitchen and ask our maid to let me help her cook, and she would say things like, the kitchen wasn’t a place for us to go in. I even liked to scrub the kitchen sink till it was sparkling clean. Imagine, a girl barely 10 years old and who had a maid, doing such mundane chores and enjoying herself!


Anyway, back to the subject.


Well, I think in life, we come to different stages, when it's time to embark on one, we do so, and when it's time to end, it just ends. I think I’ve only just come to a new page in my life.


To keep myself going, I drive myself back to the purpose of this blog.


It's a cause so great, and so complex, that I don't know how to put into words.


I'm only half an old hag who knows so little. But even though I can only grasp so little, I know what little I have grasped is of paramount significance not only to myself but to everyone else. How can I bear not to share it with all? There's just too much that I wish to convey!


To put it simply, I want to become a bridge.


I want to be the bridge, for those who are willing, to come and meet the compassionate souls who have inspired me. To come and see for themselves, that everything is so wonderfully connected. To feel the message in their hearts, that our health, our earth, our animal friends, we are inseparably ONE.


Just a little side track. Yesterday, I helped to man the booth at the Vegetarian Society exhibition. The video wasn't working, so there weren't many people attracted to the booth. Half an hour before knocking off, I was reading the comments left by previous viewers, and was contemplating writing a response to those that apparently were quite ill informed and had biased views of the vegetarian cause. Then George popped in. Probably as a form of encouragement, he told me he usually would hand out the society’s brochures to those who seemed to be interested enough to read the exhibits. As he shared this I felt a little tension within myself.


About 10 minutes later, another volunteer appeared, apparently she came down just to get to know me. She asked if she could enlist me as a volunteer, so that they could ask me for help in future. But I told her I'm pretty selective when it comes to volunteering, and said frankly that 99% of the time I might decline. I must have come across as a horribly cold hearted soul, in contrast to how passionate she was. Very soon, she got the video working (so it wasn’t spoilt!), and was busy handing out the pamphlets to some who had started to gather around the tv. I stood aside, half of me feeling like a little girl who wasn't very sure of what to do, the other half feeling like I was openly lazing on my job.


Quite often I wonder if there's something seriously wrong with me. I envision myself doing things that are truly beneficial to others, but yet when I am approached to volunteer, I'm so picky about the job per se.


And I'm very stingy with my time. I need LOTS of time for myself, and LOTS of time to be at home. A day spent mostly outside drains me. If I have to rush from one place to another, meeting people, then it's almost a guarantee that by the time I get back home I would be a little out of sorts.


There might be some deeper issues that I need to resolve, but for the moment, what I know for sure is that, I can't be the typical active volunteer that we usually come across.


If you still don't get what I mean, I'm a little too shy to do most forms of volunteer work. (Although recently I realized that some people don't seem to think that I'm shy and quiet. Does that mean I'm improving, or am I not being myself when I'm with people?) To make things worse, I'm too much of a homebody to be taken out of my nest for too long. I remember even right till my twenties, whenever I was out the whole day, I would be homesick by night time, I seriously missed my parents!


……So you see...... I'm not left with much choice as to the kind of bridge I can become.


I don’t know if anybody will want to step on this bridge. But I hope that it will be a well constructed one.


Thursday, February 05, 2009

Why Juice? 为什么喝蔬果汁?

This is the juice we drink almost every day. An ex-colleague was perplexed and asked me, you're not sick, why do you drink juice? Well, people who aren't sick should drink juice, while those who are, can't afford not to drink!

Perhaps you might think, isn't it such a waste to drink juice, a waste of time, effort and money, and you'd be left with so much pulp! Wouldn't it be better to simply eat the fruit or vege whole? I used to think so too. Isn't fibre supposed to be very important?

Why is fibre important to our health? In actual fact, fibre itself is a nutrient that doesn't really have much nutritional content. What it does is, it acts as a broom in our body to eliminate waste, so it really is indispensable. In order to make sure that we clear our bowels well, we need to have a high intake of fibre.

If fibre is so important, why remove it just to get some juice?

In order to maintain optimum health, apart from fibre to clear our body waste, we also need to have adequate nutrients. Where do we get the nutrients? From the food we eat. However, do we really get enough nutrients from what we eat every day? If we only eat cooked food, then we probably have lost most of what nature meant for us.

Our body needs enzymes. It is said that all life depends on enzymes. When we cook our food, the enzymes are dead, and what we eat are not able to nourish us anymore. Therefore it is necessary that we have enough intake of raw salads and fruits every day.

However, it's not enough to only consume raw vege and fruit. Solid food requires digestion, and it would be quite some time before our body receives the nutrients. In this respect fresh juices are much more effective. A glass of fresh juice does not cause any burden to the digestive system, and its nutrients are therefore made available to the body very quickly.

Sick people especially would benefit tremendously from fresh juices. When my husband or I fall sick, we no longer go to the doctor's, nor take any form of medication. My best medicine is a juice fast. Once, I was down with a cold. As I started to speak in class, I gave my students quite a startling shock, for I sounded like a frog. My throat hurt, terribly. I did a juice fast that day, I remember I had 6 glasses of juice, I think I had some fruit even, so in effect it wasn't much of a fast I guess... Miraculously, by the afternoon, my throat no longer hurt. Although I hadn't completely regained my natural voice, I was already speaking like normal, with no discomfort whatsoever, I didn't feel like I was having a cold. I recovered with such miraculous speed, I was totally amazed!

红萝卜、青苹果、甜菜根(俗称“ABC” - apple, beetroot, carrot)
The juice we have every day is carrot based, usually in the following combinations:
Carrot, cucumber, beetroot
Carrot, green apple, beetroot (usually called "ABC")
Carrot, celery, beetroot
Carrot, celery, green apple

Frankly I am not sure how much I use of each. Because we order our carrots by the carton, each carton being 20kg, and since I usually finish everything in about 10 days, I reckon that I juice nearly 2 kg of carrots a day. For cucumber, if it is a very large one, I would use 1, if it is medium or smaller, I'd grab about 2 or 3. As for beetroot, what I've heard is that about one thumb size per person is enough. Some people can't take the peculiar sweetness of beetroot. Luckily my husband and I seem to quite like it. I use about the size of an onion each time. Of course the best tasting ones are those with apples, but my staple, that is, that with cucumber and beetroot, tastes wonderful too!

甜菜根喝了尿会变红,不用惊慌。至于红萝卜呢,摄取多了皮肤可能会变黄,就像我一样!=) 这也不需在意,除非你特别爱美。我就常常被人问,怎么这么黄?哦,我姓黄嘛,而且是半个黄脸婆,哈哈……。但是这确实让我觉得有点意思,因为我虽然每天照镜子,却从来不怎么觉得自己黄,就是黄也不怎么放在心上,但是别人怎么这么在意?甚至买东西的时候,不认识的店员也会问,你为什么这么黄?哇,对不认识的人,而且是顾客(还是女性!),竟能这么……这叫坦率吗???佩服!现在我是不是还很黄,我也不知道,但是被这样问的次数少得多了。
Consuming beetroot would make your urine red, so don't be alarmed. As for carrots, if you consume it in bulk, your skin would turn yellow. This, again, isn't a cause for fear, unless you are extremely conscious about your appearance. I was very frequently asked, why are you so yellow? Well, because my surname is Yellow (Huang means yellow in Chinese), and because I am already half an old hag ('yellow faced old woman' in Chinese refers to wives who are bogged down by household chores and have no time to take care of their looks)... I actually found these episodes quite funny. I looked into the mirror every day, but I hardly noticed that I was yellow. Or even if I did, I couldn't care less. Why were others so bothered by it? I had even been asked by shopkeepers whom I hardly knew. I would always be quite taken aback by the sudden, why are you so yellow? Wow, I think this is quite something, to ask such a question to a lady customer whom you don't know! I'm not sure if I am still yellow, but I don't get such questions that frequently anymore.

Some friends were worried if I was sick. Once, while chatting with a Chinese physician friend, I asked if she could take my pulse, which she did. After taking my pulse, she told me she was quite surprised, because my pulse fared much better than how I looked. That was the first time in my life that I was told my health was quite good by a physician! Try imagining me showing you a big V sign with a broad broad broad smile! =)

I'd never been worried about being yellow from carrots. When I was at my yellowest, there'd always be people who would discourage me from continuing with my carrot juice. I never bulged, I had very deep faith in Mr (or perhaps Ms?) Carrot. Why does the skin turn yellow? This is not because our body rejects the carrot, but because the carrot is helping us to remove the toxins from the liver. According to Norman Walker, 'this (the material clogging the liver) is released so abundantly that the intestinal and urinary channels are inadequate to care for this overflow, and in a perfectly natural manner it is passed into the lymph for elimination from the body by means of the pores of the skin.' Despite my assuring them that this was a sign that my body was undergoing a good cleansing, many people still advised me to stop taking carrots. I couldn't understand why. My becoming yellow was such a wonderful phenomenon, I was doing spring cleaning, I was fortunate that my body was still capable of such a chore, I had better be grateful for that, why stop? Did I look that terrible being yellow? I'd rather look terrible on the outside than be truly terrible from the inside.

The carrot juice molecule is exactly analogous to that of the blood molecule, no need for any worry about taking loads of it.

Currently, I save half of what I juice in the morning in the fridge, and consume it in the afternoon. Perhaps you might worry if the nutrients might be lost. Of course, ideally we should consume it straight after juicing. How about thinking it this way, if you don't drink any, you don't get any nutrient at all, but if you drink some, you'll at least get maybe 80%. How much nutrient is lost also depends on the juicer you use. In anycase, a glass of juice that has lost some nutrients is definitely safer, healthier, and more nutritious than a glass of coke, milo, coffee, or any canned drink you can find in the supermarket, or even your water at home...

I like to remove all the fibre in my juice. What we find outside is usually quite full of fibre, the smoothest juice I've ever had is my self made juice. I prefer it smooth, not only because it tastes better, but also, since freshly squeezed juice is so precious, why retain the fibre so that it slows down absorption? I have my daily intake of fibre from the salads and fruits that I take, not from my juices. Another plus point about removing the fibre is, most of the pesticides are retained in the fibre, so if what you're having is not organic, at least you manage to remove the bulk of the pesticides along with the fibre.

Cheers to our health...
(Do drink slowly, sip it. Just as we should chew well when eating so as not to tax our digestive system, don't gulp down your drinks...)

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

把伤害降到最低 Minimising Harm

A friend shared her thoughts on vegetarianism. She commented that plants are living beings too, it's just that when we eat them, they can't shout to tell us their pain. What's most important is our state of mind when we eat, do we eat just to assuage our hunger, or to satisfy our greed? And if it was to satisfy our bottomless greed, whether we go all the way to hurt animals and waste resources?

Despite having clear answers deep within, when it comes to sorting out and sharing my thoughts, it sure isn't an easy task. What a tough job as a vege ambassador!

Do vegetarians cause no harm at all to other beings?

Yes we do. When farmers plough the field, there are bound to be insects and worms that are killed in the process. If only we could live on without having to consume anything. Perhaps this is the goal we should strive to attain? But even if we could live without food and drink, we can't avoid unknowingly stepping on ants while walking. I was a little sentimental during my college days, and avoided walking on grass, because I thought they would feel pain and wouldn't like to be treaded on.

So, are plants living beings? Definitely, a tiny seed grows up to become a giant tree because it's alive. Plants react to the environment, they grow towards the sun, if they are deprived of sunlight and water, they lose the conditions to grow. We also hear of many stories like flowers withering when bombarded with loud noises, and trees growing luxuriantly when nourished with Buddhist mantras. Even water has life energy, Masaru Emoto's book "The Hidden Messages in Water" has shown us this.

Plants, however, do not have a central nervous system like animals, so they don't register pain like animals do. Generally in Buddhism we do not classify plants as sentient beings either, they do not have reincarnations, they do not take rebirths like animals do, carrying with them the fear and hatred they felt when they were killed. The life of plants is akin to that of our hair and nails, when they grow long, we cut them, they don't seem to care so much about being cut or chopped, and they grow back pretty fast, like grass.

Nevertheless, with regards to whether or not to take the vegetarian path, I do not think this is a point we need to ponder so much upon. We cannot avoid causing hurt in one way or another to other beings, for we are all far from being perfect.

The crux of the matter is to minimize the harm that we cause.

To me, this is the fundamental reason for choosing vegetarianism/ veganism.

Minimizing the extent of harm that we cause others.

We cannot be perfect, but we can always try our best.

What do the animals that we have for food eat? They eat plants. Perhaps one day, we might realize that plants indeed feel pain, and they do take rebirths. But does this mean that we should then first feed them to animals for them to first feel the pain and fear, and then we in turn feed on the animals, for the animals to feel again the same pain and fear? This would be in discordance with the vegetarianism cause. If we were to consume plants directly, then it would only be the plants suffering, the animals would be spared of the same fate. It wouldn't be logical to say that since we're killing anyway, let's kill more!

Undoubtedly, whether we take a meal with gratitude or with gross desire, would make a huge difference.

Let's say I have learnt to be grateful for all my meals. I eat not because of indulgence, I eat simply because I need to alleviate my hunger, simply because I need to live on. And in front of me, I have two meals, one vegetarian and one meat. Which one would I choose? The vege one, for sure. There's simply no reason for me to choose the other. The vege meal fills my stomach, and it also minimizes the harm I cause.

Making a choice is exactly what most of us need to do everyday.

Many people face obstacles when they think of going vege. All sorts of obstacles. But if we really put our minds to it, I believe these can be overcome. This path of vegetarianism isn't really that difficult to tread on, neither is it anything bizarre.

This is the inevitable path to true happiness and freedom.

珊瑚草甜品 Coral Jelly

This jelly has become quite a common dessert in vegetarian outlets recently. I also make it regularly to serve whoever visits... mostly I make it to serve ourselves, haha... =) This is probably the easiest dessert to make, almost kitchen-idiot proof I suppose. Put the whole pack (see picture below) into 2000ml of water and boil. Transfer into bowls/ glasses and refrigerate. The liquid will solidify once cooled down, it can also be taken as a hot drink.
It's stated on the package to use 2500cc of water, you can have more or less of it, depending on how sweet or firm you want the jelly to be. 2000ml is about just right for me. If you are wondering whether 'cc' is any different from 'ml', from what I've researched, they're the same, seems like in Taiwan they use 'cc'.

The usual jelly that we eat are full of white refined sugar, but this uses only brown sugar, not only is it healthier, it's also tastier. Other ingredients are dates, longan, kanten and coral seaweed. Coral seaweed contains a high amount of collagen (good for the skin), as well as lots of minerals like calcium, iron and magnesium (good for bone health).

Another selling point is that, this jelly doesn't 'melt' like the usual jelly. I can make about 10 or 11 glasses with a single block, no problem at all leaving them in the fridge for a week or so. I've tried chopping it into two, but it was hard as a rock... Some people can do it apparently, but since we usually finish everything within a week, I suppose there's no need for me to perfect my chopping skill.

The brand above that I usually get retails at S$9.90 (used to be S$9.50), but I've found some other brands recently. Tried one ($5.70), it was pretty good, but not as fragrant.

This jelly is usually served with some soy milk on top. You can get those packaged ones, or you can make your own nut milk. It's very easy, except that it can be a little bit troublesome.

1) Soak some almonds and cashews (overnight if possible)
2) Discard water
3) Add water, dates, raisins, then blend well in blender (it would be better to pre-soak the dates and raisins as well for easy blending, don't discard this water though, this is precious syrup, I pour it all into the blender.)
4) Use a nut bag to strain.

I leave it for you to decide how much nuts/ water/ dates/ raisins to use, I myself have never used the same amount twice... =) After straining, if the nut milk is not sweet enough, I'll add some agave nectar.

Because nut milk spoils quite easily, and the straining part is quite labourous, so I like to make more at one go and save it in ice cube boxes, then I'll have nut milk whenever I need it. (If you skip the filtering part then it's really quick and easy, but it won't be smooth and not as yummy.) We don't usually take cold food/ drinks, so when I'm having this dessert, I leave the nut ice to defrost together with the jelly. But I usually can't wait till nature finishes its job, I'll hit the ice repeatedly till it melts, and gobble up all the jelly when it's still pretty cold...

You can also make this nut milk and drink it as and when you like, it's better than having Milo or coffee...

The left over pulp can be used in salads/ as salad dressings, but remember that it spoils easily, so you have to finish it soon.